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Special Events

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Ovum Donation Seminar
Oct 30th, Nov 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, Dec 4th

This is a repeat event held twice each year

The American Infertility Association is sponsoring a six week Ovum Donation Seminar Series beginning Wednesday May 3rd 2000 that explores all of the issues one needs to consider when choosing Ovum Donation.


Adoption Seminar
October 4th, 11th, 18th, November 1st, 8th and 16th

This is a repeat event held twice each year.

When you choose to adopt you are making a lifetime decision.
Find out whether adoption is the way you want to build your family by exploring the options, gathering the facts, and empowering yourself to make the choice that is right for you.


IVF Seminar Series

This event was last held November, 17th, 1999
This is a repeat event held twice each year.

AIA has created a unique and comprehensive six week seminar focused on preparing you for this intense physical, emotional and expensive experience.  Both the experienced and the beginner will be able to benefit from the distinguished panel of experts that will be speaking at this seminar series. 


Infertility Awareness Month

October is Infertility Awareness Month
The American Infertility Association and Perspectives Press invite you to participate.
Click on the link above to learn about new ways that you can be a part of this nationwide event.


Annual Symposium

This event was last held Sunday March 5, 2000
This is a repeat event held twice each year.


AIA's Annual End-of-Year Holiday Party

This is an annual event held every year in December

The American Infertility Association cordially invites everyone to a catered party at the Manhattan meeting site at 7:30 PM immediately after the December meeting. 


AIA's One Day IVF Seminar

On Sunday, January 23rd 2000, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, The American Infertility Association will sponsor an IVF seminar. 


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