IVF Seminar Series

A five week educational seminar.

What: Is your physician recommending Invitro Fertilization? Are you feeling overwhelmed?  To meet the needs of couples considering and undertaking their first IVF cycle, The American Infertility Association has created a unique and comprehensive six week seminar focusing on preparing you for this intense physical, emotional and expensive experience.
Theme: "A Comprehensive Look at IVF"

Medical Overview -  Understanding the IVF cycle and when it is medically appropriate to consider it and when to move on to other options

Cycling and the Medications - Everything you would like to know about medications from choosing a protocol for you to the the risks of cancer

The Psychological Concern - Exploring the emotional strains of an IVF cycle and learning coping skills.

What If My Cycle Fails - Why Invitro-Fertilization can fail and how to make contingency plans.

What to Expect if You Are Expecting - Being pregnant from your IVF program to your OB - and what if my cycle works too well - considering the problems of multiples.

When: November 17th, 23rd, December 1st, 8th, 15th
Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

The National Council of Jewish Women
9 East 69th Street (between Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue)
New York, NY

Registration and Cost: $300.00 per AIA membership household

Seminar is available to AIA members only.

Space is limited.

For further information please call Pamela at

(Non-members may join The American Infertility Association for a membership fee of $45.00 and attend the seminar.)

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