compiled as an infertility community service by

The American Infertility Association


Perspectives Press:
The Infertility and Adoption Publisher

This article was originated on 9/4/99,and most recently updated on 9/9/99. Those reading it as a print-out will find the most recent version on the internet at http://www.perspectivespress.com/infertilityawareness.html

Since the early 1990s, following the initiative of Resolve, Inc, infertility support organizations and allied medical, pharmaceutical and counseling professionals around the world have chosen a time during the month of October in which to focus on enlightening the general public and the media about infertility.

Not every infertility-touched family or professional or infertility-related support group has the time, the means, the budget, or the energy to mount a full campaign. Not to worry! Individuals can make an impact, too, and we've spent some time gathering ideas from members of internet listservs and newsgroups and bulletin boards for individuals or very small groups to plan some last minute Infertility Awareness Month observances for October, 1999. Contributors have included consumers and professionals. We'd love to see this list grow throughout the next year, so please and we'll add them!

Private, one-on-one acts that can make a real difference...

If you plan any public activity (lending itself to a slow news day photo opportunity) large or small, be sure to alert TV and print media about a week in advance.

Low key or last minute public actions that can make a genuine difference...

Individuals and small organizations may find it intimidating to consider being an advocate. But there are small things anyone can do to make a difference, even on short notice!

Big Events for next year's Infertility Awareness Month (because they need 8-12 months or more of planning)...

Form a coalition of local, regional or state medical professionals, therapists, adoption agencies and facilitators and attorneys, support groups, and other related organizations and do something from the list below together! Coalitions encourage greater dialogue and cooperation, command greater attention from the media, are more attractive to grantors and donors.

Seek sponsorship and participation from area family-friendly businesses (banks, grocery stores, insurance companies, etc.), local volunteer organizations (like Junior League, Kiwanis, Lions) and more. Ask local churches and synagogues to join your effort--perhaps one will donate space for your event.

Help this list grow! Please send us your ideas for ways to increase awareness of and accurate information about Infertility and those whose lives it touches. And please us know what you've done and the outcome. so that we can share your accomplishments.

If this article has been printed out and distributed to you in hard copy form, please visit the web sites of the sponsors Perspectives Press: The Infertility and Adoption Publisher and The American Infertility Association to see other interesting articles and information related to infertility and adoption posted there!

The American Infertility Association

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