How to Communicate With Elected Officials
Elected officials on all levels - local, state and federal - are very accessible to their constituents. They need and want to hear your opinions by letter, by telephone and in person.
Here is some information to help you draft an effective letter to legislators. (Note that we have included an example of such a letter.)
Choose only up to three key points to include in a letter. Choose messages with the greatest personal meaning for you, and put them into your own words.
Write to the elected official from your district. (Avoid mentioning whether you voted for your legislator.)
Identify the subject of your letter by giving the bill number and a description of the issue.
Explain how the legislation would affect you or your family, state or community.
Be clear and concise. Pare your comments down to a page or less.
Ask to be informed about any action the lawmaker decides to take. If possible, forward a copy of any written replies to:
The American Infertility Association
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New York, NY 10103.
Thank your elected representatives if they please you with a vote, and voice your displeasure if they don't.
WRITE NOW! There is no better time to write, legislators need to hear your concerns.