Posted by Rose on May 24, 19100 at 15:31:07:
Hi everyone,
My story is as follows:
Married at 20 got pregnant after couple of months gave birth to girl unfortunately our child had major abnomalities and lived only 9 months. 2 years later I was still not pregnant and went to RE was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and taking synthroid. Ovulation not normal took clomids responded beautifully.After a few months, we did 3 post coital tests and we were shocked! There was no sperm found at all. dh was found to have a large vericoceole and surgery was preformed, we had to wait 6 months and we had a post coital with still no sperm! .We are going for a semen analasis next week and I am soooo nervous. My question is: we did have a child naturally with no intervention can sperm change so drastically? What if no sperm is found? The uncertainty is driving me nuts. If you heard of similar situation please reply.
Thank you