Posted by on July 15, 19100 at 13:18:34:
In Reply to: Information about Cornell (m) posted by Carolyn on July 15, 19100 at 09:35:14:
: Can someone who's been to Cornell give me some information
: about the procedures at Cornell? How long of a wait is it
: to get in? How much does IVF cost? (I have no insurance for
: infertility)
: I'd appreciate any information. Thanks!
: Carolyn
I was able to get an appointment within about 3 1/2 weeks. IVF, depending on protocol, will cost somewhere between $10,000 and $12,000. That includes your initial visit, in-program blood testing, anesthesia, etc. That is consistent, I think with other NY/NJ programs. Since your insurance doesn't cover it, try to get as much testing (HSG and blood work done ahead of time so that you can get your insurance through your regular GYN (who I assume is in your insurance plan) to cover those costs. Once you start, Cornell is very insistent that they use their own lab since their protocols are set in conjunction with the calibration of their machines. However, if you arrive with blood results (day 3s, progesterone, all the communicable disease tests, thyroid, etc.) an HSG, etc, they have a starting point to give them an idea of what's going on and that you won't have to have go on their bill. Ask to speak with a nurse, explain the situation, sak her what all the tests that are required are and EXPECT some resistance. I assure you it can be done and will save you money. Also, when you start the process and need to order meds., I recommend Freedom Drug (). After A LOT of research, I found they are the only ones that specialize in fertility meds and are easily 20-30% less expensive. In addition, they ship FedEx free of charge. My insurance plan covers IVF in network only but I was able to actually get my regular GYN (who is in plan) to approve the meds which saved me $2,000.00!!!!!!! Finally, if your RE perscribes Lupron, there is a generic form which is considerably less expensive and according to my RE, just as effective. GOOD LUCK!!
P.S. My regular GYN is at Cornell and I was originally scheduled to see Dr. Spandorfer at there which is why I know about Cornell's prices and what they require testing wise. However, two days before my appointment I decided to go instead to Dr. Sable at St. Barnabus which is very close to my home. So far, I am VERY pleased with Dr. Sable's group - I start tomorrow with the first meds.