Posted by Carolyn on July 16, 19100 at 12:23:52:
In Reply to: Cornell posted by Theresa on July 16, 19100 at 11:14:42:
I was just doing some research on NYU also and I'm
leaning towards them more than Cornell. It's not that
I need any hand holding but from what I've heard
NYU seems more patient friendly.
I've done 6 IVF's and if I had the equipment I could
probably do the retrieval and transfer myself! LOL
I didn't even consider St. Barnabus because I thought
everything had to be done in NJ. I didn't know you
could go for bloodwork in Manhattan and have a car
pick you up for the retrieval and transfer! Now I'll
have to research them. Boy I'm starting to get confused!
Thanks so much!