Very disheartened - question for Dr. Barad

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Posted by Jen A on June 14, 19100 at 15:54:36:

Dr. Barad,
I'm on my 3rd IVF cycle. I have been on 6 days of stims (3 amps GonalF) with 10 units of Lupron. I had my first bw done today and my estradiol is only at 166. My RE's nurse called and said they would like to add 1 amp of Perganol, as this number is "a little low". I am going in tomorrow for more bw and an u/s.

I am very concerned, as my first cycle of IVF had similar numbers and I ended up with only one embryo and a negative beta. (My 2nd cycle I was on 3GonalF/1Perganol - got 14 eggs, 3 embies, hyperstimulation, and positive beta. I m/c at 6 weeks.)

My questions are:
1) Where should my estradiol level be after 6 days?
2) Is it possible that I am oversurpressed from the lupron? (I had very good results with IUI and 2 amps of GonalF)
3) Is it too late in this cycle to play catch up? And am I better off cancelling this cycle?

Thanks so much for your time and advice. By the way, what is the waiting period to get in to see you? We may be ready for a second opinion real soon.


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