Posted by on June 09, 19100 at 11:35:17:
I have been preganant one time which was in 1994. That
ended in what the doctors called a misscarrage. But
what really happened was I went into labor.The only
problem was I was only 4 months preganant. They never
found anything wrong with her or me. Since then
and before I have had irregular periods some with pain.
I have now been married for 4 years with out any
success at getting preganant. 3 weeks ago I went to the
doctor to get help. I had been bleeding for 11 weeks.
She said that it was either lack of estrogen or
progestrin. And since I can not swallow pills she gave
me a shot of estrogen. And told me that if this stopped
my bleeding that this was my problem. Well I did stop.
And now my question is could this have caused me to
loose my baby and can this be taken on a regular basis
to keep me regular so that I can have a baby?