Posted by Audrey on May 15, 19100 at 21:52:28:
In Reply to: help! husband not on board posted by susan on May 15, 19100 at 20:19:23:
: I am 42 and trying IVF for 2nd & last time. If it doesn't work (first try didn't)-that's it-the end of the line. We have a 5 year old miracle daughter (conceived naturally) and hubby thinks that one is all we need. (I thank God everyday for her but know she wants a sibling). He has 2 screwed up kids who are in their 20's from first marriage who will never have a sibling relationship with our daughter. Problem is, he begrudgingly agreed to do this one more cycle, and at my age and I am already anticipating failure and a major emotional crash and burn when I get that bad phone call. Curious if anyone out there is or has been in same boat and how they have dealt with the finality of it all. This last cycle was our "compromise" but I feel like I won't be able to live up to it and is that fair to him??? Thanks for listening!