Re: Question for Doctor??

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Posted by Serena Chen, MD on July 28, 19100 at 15:14:36:

In Reply to: Question for Doctor?? posted by Heidi Graff on July 26, 19100 at 19:59:01:

Dear Heidi:
The success rates for clomiphene and IUI treatment in unexplained infertility range from 5 to 12% per month. If your cycles are regular when you are not on any medications, it is important to be on a low dose of clomiphene - 50 to 100 mg per day for 5 days. There is a tendency to feel that if the low dose does not work more will be better. This is not the case with clomiphene. If your dose is too high it could lower your chances of conceiving. For a person of your age, it is reasonable to consider 2-4 cycles of clomiphene plus IUI. After that, more agressive therapy with injectable medications should be considered.
The diagnosis of unexplained infertility is very frustrating. You are not trying too hard. You have unexplained infertility because medical science is not advanced enough to give you an answer at this time.
Good Luck to you.
Serena Chen

: I am 26 with unexplained if. Had m/c 15 months ago. Was a blighted ovum. Had d/c. Since then have had normal lap, normal hsg, normal blood work and Dh has normal s/a. I have been on clomid x 7 months with good eggs every month. I have had 1 iui and am about to have another. I see only an obgyn because right now that's all I have access to. I am wondering What are my chances that iui will work for me? Also, how many chances should I give it? We have an RE clinic but it's about 3 hours away. I feel very discouraged because everything is supposedly "normal" am I just trying to hard? How many iui's does it usually take for someone that's normal?
: Thank you for reading this
: Heidi

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