Question for Doctor??

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Posted by on July 26, 19100 at 19:59:01:

I am 26 with unexplained if. Had m/c 15 months ago. Was a blighted ovum. Had d/c. Since then have had normal lap, normal hsg, normal blood work and Dh has normal s/a. I have been on clomid x 7 months with good eggs every month. I have had 1 iui and am about to have another. I see only an obgyn because right now that's all I have access to. I am wondering What are my chances that iui will work for me? Also, how many chances should I give it? We have an RE clinic but it's about 3 hours away. I feel very discouraged because everything is supposedly "normal" am I just trying to hard? How many iui's does it usually take for someone that's normal?
Thank you for reading this

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