Doctor Please. Difference Between PCOS and PCOD?

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Posted by on July 06, 19100 at 13:47:29:

I am 27 yrs old, and for eleven years doctors have told me it was all in my head. 2 1/2 yrs ago I found a new OB-GYN, and I tried to have a baby but was unsuccessful. In January 99 I had a laparoscopy. I was then told that I had PCOD, and endometrioses was in one of my fallopian tubs. She also expressed to me that if I wanted to have a baby, I should try with-in the next year. Soon after, I became very ill. I had so much pain that it became very hard to get myself out of bed. Then on top of all that, depression set in from all the pain and from being sick. In February I talked to my doctor about a hysterectomy. She then sent me to an infertility specialist; he kept telling me that I was stupid for even thinking about having a hysterectomy at my age. Now after doing a lot of research on my own, I have found many sites talking about PCOS that has made me wonder if PCOS is the same thing as PCOD.

In February I started taking Zoladex, to hopefully slow down the disease (if that is what it is) enough so that I could think straight. I have now been on the Zoladex for five months. Over all I feel better, but I am experiencing what they say is hyperglycemic. The only weird thing about this is; that I know people who are hyperglycemic and I have to eat a lot more then they do.

I am suppose to see an Endocrinologist for the first time on Wednesday, and I would like to know what to ask or even what to expect. Is PCOS the same as PCOD? Is a full hysterectomy my best option? What other options do I have? Any help you can give me would be appreciative. Thanks in advance for your help.


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