AIA's Letter To Good Morning America (we thought that you might like to read this)

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Posted by on July 05, 19100 at 22:26:49:

June 23, 2000

Sarah Adler
Good Morning America
147 Columbus Ave.
NY, NY 10023

Dear Sarah:

Thanks to you and "Good Morning America" for shedding a much needed spotlight
on the issues involved in purchasing infertility medications over the
Internet. It was a balanced, well thought out piece and a story that needed to be told.

On behalf of The American Infertility Association I was, however, deeply
troubled by Dr. Nancy Snyderman's comment implying that some people are just meant
to be infertile. I cannot imagine such a comment being made about people
suffering from any other disease. Are some people, for example, just meant to
have cancer? Infertility is a disease like any other in the sense that it
demands appropriate treatment and compassionate care. Dr. Snyderman's comment has
caused anguish in a portion of the population that is already struggling with
the medical, financial, and emotional demands of infertility, often without
benefit of insurance coverage.

Our membership appreciates your efforts to educate the public about the
complex issues infertile people grapple with every day, and it is our hope that you
will continue to expand your efforts in this area. We hope, too, that aside
from educating the public about the facts and the issues, you will help build the
awareness that infertility is a disease that deserves to be fought with all
the science, technology, and compassion we can muster.


Carolyn Berger
AIA Chair

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