Re: Taking A Break-very long

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Posted by on July 05, 19100 at 13:37:32:

In Reply to: Taking A Break-very long posted by Leslie on June 30, 19100 at 22:33:50:


"When life hands you lemons, make lemonaid!". It sounds like that is what you are doing, and I commend you for your positive attitude. Enjoy your break, your hubby, and the sunshine. When you are finally a mom, you will look back and be glad you did. I look forward to seeing you post again. Take care.

: I have been doing a lot of thinking. As some of you know, I have been "benched" from treatment for 42 days total. I have 33 days left and counting. This is due to an elevated FSH my RE believes from endometriosis.

: On the positive side, I am trying to spend this time enjoying my life. I have been running every day and loving it! I have been drinking diet coke. And, I haven't had to be concerned about what is going to hurt my chances of conception. There is no chance of conception! I'm on bcp's! I want to spend this time doing constructive things like planning the next Rockland County Meeting, meeting up with friends, spending time with my husband, and just enjoying the sunshine.

: On the negative side, I have been very hypersensitive and hyperemotional. Everything is hurting my feelings and making me upset. I have to go to the RE's office to discuss my metformin (?) protocal. I don't fully understand what is going on and I am scared. I am afraid that the big, bad, IVF word is going to be brought up again to me. When that becomes my only option, I am done with treatment and I will never be pregnant. My + beta that never progressed threw me for a loop. I want to see that I got a + beta as a + sign, but I am so scared that this is it..that it just isn't going to happen.

: So, I think that the best thing for me is to just concentrate on all of the positives. I want to forget about infertility as much as I can for a while. I may pop in to lurk. I want to know if Tiffany's symptoms are positive signs! I want to know if JenA is going to get good news. I want to see how you all are. You can e-mail me if you feel like it. You are all very special and this message board is definatley special.

: I'll be back in August.

: Love-Leslie

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