Monthly Interactive Chat

The American Infertility Association presents:

An On-line Educational Meeting

Supported by our Friends at Fertile Thoughts with our heartfelt thanks!

What: An interactive moderated chat.  Share your experiences and ask questions in real time.
Topic: "PCOS and Nutrition: What's the Deal with Diets?"
    • Pamela Madsen, Executive Director of AIA
    • William Panak, Ph.D, President of Fertile Thoughts
    • Martha McKittrick, RD,CDE, Staff Nutritionist at New York Hospital
      When: Monday, May 1, 2000
      Time: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM E.S.T.  (0000 - 0100 GMT)
      Where: On Line at:
      Registration and Cost: Free !!  Absolutely No Charge !!

      For further information please call Pam Madsen at

      (Non-members may Join The American Infertility Association for a membership fee of $45.00 and participate in the chat room with a clean conscience.)

      On-Line Chat Previews: May 17th, 2000 "Over 40" Guest Moderator: Steven Spandorfer, MD, The Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility of Weil Medical College - New York Hospital Cornell May 30th, 2000 "Acupuncture and Treating Infertility" Mike Berkeley, L.Ac., Director, New York Center for Acupuncture and Alternative Medicine
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