Is it PCOS?

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Posted by on May 05, 19100 at 22:59:29:

I'm 19 so I'm not really interested in having a baby right now, but having a period once in a while would be nice, just so I know I can actualy have kids. I started menstrating early, when I was about 9 or 10. I was incredibly regular until I was about 16. All of a sudden I just stoped having a period. I had always been big, but that summer a gained almost 50lbs. I now weigh 250. A year later I noticed that I was growing what strongly resembed a beard. Now I can grow a thicker set of wiskers than most guys my age. The last GYN I saw told me not to "concern" myself, that I had no problem that he could see. That was 2 years ago, since then I've had 4 periods. All of them lasted about 4 days and were really strong. So am I just scareing myself or what?

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