Re: Help, Dr..or anyone..I'm flipping out

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Posted by on June 30, 19100 at 10:27:44:

In Reply to: Help, Dr..or anyone..I'm flipping out posted by Leslie on June 30, 19100 at 10:00:12:


Metformin (or Glucophage) is a type 2 diabetic drug that is currently being used for PCOS. If I understand correctly those with pcos do not utilize insulin in the right way and it is the excess of insulin which is now though to cause alot of the pcos symptoms. It is a oral medicine that comes in a variety of dosages. I believe most people take it 500mg 3x a day. Do you have pcos or are you annovulatory? After 4 months on it I ovualted on my own for the first time in over 2 years. It is also thought to aid in egg quality. That is our hope for our next ivf as re feels that is why we have not gotton pg. I could go on and on. Please email me privately if you have more detailed questions
If yr re does want you to go on it just be prepared it causes major gi upset for some people. I have actually lost almost 20lbs also.

: My doctors office left me a message that I needed to come in to review my Metformin Protocol. What in the hell is that? What is Metformin? Pill or shot? What in
: the heck is it for? I'm flipping! Leslie

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