OB/Hospital Recommendations?(miracle pg mentioned)

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Posted by Julia on June 23, 19100 at 10:47:49:

After a very long and hard fought struggle, I finally have a positive beta, and I am cautiously optimistic!
I now want to pick an OB/Gyn. I switched insurance plans to one that would cover a portion of my IVFs, and my old OB
is not on my new plan (CIGNA PPO). I can go out of network, but am now financially tapped, and tired of fighting with
the insurance company, so prefer to pick someone in network. Two questions:
1. Since I'm starting with someone new I have the luxury of picking someone who delivers in a hospital of my choice.
What are thought to be the best in NYC? I've heard Cornell and Mt. Sinai. Any opinions?
2. Does anyone know a good OB that is part of Cigna PPO?

Thank you!And positive thoughts to all! Keep strong!

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