Posted by Martha G on June 22, 19100 at 10:13:56:
In Reply to: Re: Maybe Nancy Schneiderman is not meant to be fertile!!! posted by DEBRA on June 22, 19100 at 09:26:19:
: : I watched the segment with tears streaming down my face while holding my son, a miracle conceived with drugs bought off the internet. I so related to Debi, as many of us can. Why then did Nancy Schneiderman have to go and turn a positive outcome into a potentional horror story, as we all know is not the case.
: : How many women here will buy drugs and use them without doctor supervision? What would we do with them, our own IVF procedures??? They also failed to point out that these drugs are in sealed glass ampules to be broken by the consumer and are in original packaging. They compared this to giving a narcotic pill to someone, hardly the same!!!
: : Shame on Dr. Rosenwaks for not addressing the high cost of the drugs and why women would have to resort to alternate means of obtaining them. I know he has had many patients get drugs this way and he knows they work!!!
: : Unfortunately, all this story did was to instill fear and once again make the public think that women trying so desperately to have a baby are crazy!!!
: I also thought her comments were horrendous-it reminded me of an insensitive comment by my husband's aunt, after my first m/c, when she told me maybe I just wasn't meant to have children. Now here on national TV, a prominant TV doctor is telling millions of women the same thing!!! What was missing from this segment was a compassionate doctor like Dr. Barad, who could have added a more human touch and understanding to back up Debi's story.
: Debra
I was late to work this morning so I could watch (and finally "meet") Debi who has been a source of compassion and inspiration for us all. Great job, Debi! Debi, would you let us know if the bits that aired compared favorably to all that was taped? Did you know what slant the MDs would take? Debi's remarks were so relevant to those of us who know what we go through. But the comments from both doctors did absolutely nothing to put pressure on the insurance industry - to say nothing of what the non-IF and general public thinks, and this majority of the populace who get form their opinions from TV are the ones who worry me. Well, no use preaching to the converted!. I almost threw a shoe at the TV when Dr. Snyderman said that the insurance industry does not have to consider having a child to be an essential human activity. Too bad AIA, Resolve and other assns. can't put the same pressure on the gov't that obviously the insurance co. lobbyists did to get Viagra covered under presc. drug plans. One comment made by Dr Rosenwaks was that women who are in regulated programs (as I am sure we all are) are closely monitored and can benefit from assisted repro. We know this, and he is right that unsupervised useof powerful meds by non-REs can have serious consequences. We have all seen the postings on this board, for example, about donated meds, and may have been on both sides of the situation. I am glad that AIA and Resolve, etc. were not mentioned specifically. Thanks again, Debi for being the brave spokeswoman. Martha G