Re: For Name Withheld

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Posted by on June 06, 19100 at 01:23:26:

In Reply to: For Name Withheld posted by Madam on June 05, 19100 at 23:33:50:

: I care when a public person lies and tries to mislead others into believing the impossible. This can damaging to women who may believe that they can wait until they are 52 years old to conceive their own biological children. It is also entirely irresponsible of the media publicize her statements as truthful, without any verification.
: You appear to be quite hostile and bitter. I feel sorry for you. Good luck.

Why is it so impossible? It is not so unusual to hear of a woman in her fifties today, because of better health, getting pregnant on her own, so with the help of science and IVF, her chances are even better. Is it an optimum age? Of course not. Ten years ago what you are saying is what people were saying about women in their forties. And there are many doctors and clinics who don't care about having to publicly put out their stastics on successful pregnancies, and rule who can have a chance at a baby and who can't, because they don't want their successful numbers to drop because the patient isn't "prime" or who doesn't fit their strict criteria, and therefore, will not be treated. To me, it is not a doctor's choice, it is a woman's choice. So many women in their twenties and thirties are diagnosed as having "old eggs"...I guess they should not be allowed to have a choice if they want to try to have a baby.

It sounds like, from your prospective, any "miracle" story should never be publicized because it gives false hope to others. Well, I am sure happy that this attitude didn't exist twenty years ago when we first heard about a special "miracle" baby born in England. Also, to accuse someone of being deceit and telling lies, with absolutely no basis or proof, is what I would call hostile and bitter.

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