Re: Endometrial Biopsy vs. the "Time Test"

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Posted by on June 03, 19100 at 17:56:04:

In Reply to: Endometrial Biopsy vs. the "Time Test" posted by tracy on June 02, 19100 at 15:54:31:

It is normal to have prolonged cycles on clomid. I am not sure what a "time test" is.

Dr. Barad

: I am new to the board and am ttc#2. We went through all the testing with the 1st child and with the help of a test called the "time test"(which is blood work done through an extended amount of time and measures how my body reacts to a hormone which was injected in the middle of the time period)finally pinpointed that I had a high level of prolactin. We corrected with Parlodel and then we got pregnant. I have since moved and my new Dr. says that they no longer do this test but that the endometrial biopsy tests the same thing. My biopsy showed that all was normal but I'm not convinced that this tested the same thing. We have done 2IUIs with Clomid and my cycles are 31-33 days long. Could the prolactin level cause this long cycle? Just want to make sure we're not missing something...Thanks!

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