NYU vs. other places

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Posted by on June 01, 19100 at 20:16:34:

In Reply to: NYU???? Please! posted by Liz on May 31, 19100 at 23:12:13:

My first IVF cycle in 1997 succeeded at NYU. My second and third - just this past January and March failed there. I switched to St. Barnabus. I am now pregnant from this last IVF cycle. My RE at NYU was Dr. Grifo. The place is great - but I had some negative feelings after my two failures and wanted to try something different. Dr. Sable at St. Barnabus is a dream. In fact all the docs there are great. Also, the embryologists are the best in the country as is their lab, and they are doing real cutting-edge stuff with embryos. Specifically, they remove fragments from the embryos, boosting up their potential. Due to your age, I would hesitate NOT to go there. If you have failed cycles at NYU you will probably eventually go to St. Barnabus anyhow. They, like Cornell and NYU do not accept insurance. However, their affiliates in NY - Dr. Grunfeld and Dr. Sandler accept some insurance (I know they take Oxford - ). You would do all your monitoring in their offices, but the retrieval and transfer are done at St. Branabus. Most importantly, all bloods etc. get anylized at St. Barnabus and embyos are handled by St. Barnabus embryologists. If you have further questions, ask me. Good luck.

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