Posted by cathy on May 30, 19100 at 16:41:44:
In Reply to: Assisted Hatching posted by Quin on May 30, 19100 at 15:04:21:
Hi Quin,
From everything I have read on AH, it is critical
that the embryologist is very experienced in order
for it to improve your chances. So I would check
out how many they do and for how long they have
been doing it.
I did AH on my first try (I was 37), and I regret
it for a couple of reasons. First, they were
not experienced (I broke rule #1!). Second, they
hatched on day 2. Subsequent consultation with
RE's at Cornell and St. Barnabus
said that hatching more than a few hours early
could be harmful to the embryos and also,
by day 3 they might not have needed hatching.
I still think it is worth considering, especially
if there are reasons (thick zona, failed ivfs)
but I think it is important to be cautious.
Best of luck to you!
: Hi,
: I am 40. I need to make a decision right now if to use the assisted hatching treatment on my day 3 transfer. The clinic I am going have not seen better results with the AH.
: My question is should I take the chance to do assisted hatching? Since they may damage the Embryos. I do not feel comfortable to do AH in this clinic. Could you please give an advice?
: Thank you !
: Quin