Need Help from people in Rockland, Orange, Westchester and surrounding counties

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Posted by on May 30, 19100 at 08:05:09:

I need help getting the word out there that there is a Rockland County meeting site. The last meeting had a pretty low turn out and we really need to get people there to support this new meeting. Eventually, if we can keep this meeting going, there will be topics for everyone. It is always a great place to meet people who are in the same position as we are.
We are all busy. BUT if you can find time to drop off some flyers in just a few places in your area...your pharmacy, your RE's office, your OB/GYN, your library, your therapist, it would be a big help. If we all do a little, we can get a lot done. Please e-mail me if you can distribute a few flyers in your area. I will get the flyers to you. Thank you.

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