Thanks Dr Barad-Started antibiotics feeling better

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Posted by Kelly on May 29, 19100 at 16:13:41:

In Reply to: Re: Q for Dr? Will my cycle be cancelled posted by David Barad, MD on May 28, 19100 at 06:57:45:

: Kelly,

: There is no evidence that a virus or cold has any bearing on your ability to concieve. Bacterial infections in men may decrease sperm count and motility, only if the semen itself is infected. It may be that a high fever would be detrimental for a woman's chance to concieve, since both eggs and sperm do their best at normal body temperature.

: On the other hand, it would be best to get diagnosed and treated.

: Your RE may not have the materials to do a throat culture. Alternatives might be to go to the emergency room. Your internest mighthave made some provsion for coverage over the weekend.

: Hope you feel better. Good luck with your cycle.

: Dr. Barad

: : I am in the middle of yet another ovulation induction iui. I am about a week into the shots but still have a ways to go bc since I am pcos I have about a dozen follicles in there so I am on a super low dose and tend to stay on the stims longer. Re is really great about managing pco and I ususally only end up with 2 or 3 mature follicales.

: : Heres my Question: I am sick. I have had a cold which the nurses told me not to be concerned with. I came howm frome work Friday feeling horrible (after my internist office is closed for prob. the whole weekend)I have been running a low grade fever and I am afraid that the pain in my throat means one thing STREP. The pain is horid nothing works and I work with preschoolers so I am exposed to it regularly. If I was able to start antibiotics and my iui is about 1 week away is it salvagable? I go in tomorrow for monitering and hope they will be able to give me somting until I can get to my internist office on tuesday due to the holiday weekend. I know this is long for such a simple questrion but I am finding it hard to sit up and concentrate.

: : Thank you in advance for all yr help.
: : Kelly

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