Posted by on May 23, 19100 at 22:47:44:
In Reply to: Dr.Barad: I need an honest opinion...... posted by Deedee on May 23, 19100 at 18:46:01:
I just wanted to tell you that I am 42 and about to deliver my first child thanks to IVF/ICSI. My FSH level was pretty steady at 8.7 and my RE gave me less than 50/50 chance of getting pg. The first cycle I was on pure FSH (Follistim) of 6 amps/day and responded terribly. I had only 6 follicles retrieved 3 eggs of which only two could be fertilized. This resulted in a chemical pg (I was 41 at the time). We waited two months and started another cycle and did a Lupron flare (almost NO lupron!) and my RE changed my meds to 7 amps/day of Humegon, which is a combination of LH and FSH, which he had seen much more success in us "older" gals. For some reason, he said, he saw a better response from us with the added LH. I was on the stim drugs for a total of 16 days before the trigger shot, had 12 follicles, retreived 8 eggs, 7 fertilized perfectly - all were textbook of the very best embryos. I did a day 3 transfer and am due any time now with one perfect little boy.
I would tell you that you are in great hands at Cornell and think you would short change yourself if you didn't try it this one more time before moving on to donor eggs. Heck, just before I became pg, my RE had a woman of 42 1/2 get pregnant after transferring just one embryo!