Federal Mandate Infertility Insurance.....READ

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Posted by on May 23, 19100 at 18:08:51:

I wanted to let everyone know about a rally to be held in Washington DC in Sep.
RESOLVE has declared Sep 17-23 National Infertility Awareness Week and will be
holding a few different activities during this week. The rally will be held on Sep 21 on the
steps of the Senate will be to show Senate and Congress just how important it is to pass
an insurance bill covering infertility. This bill can be looked at on: www.thomas.loc.gov
then type in s2160. Please, I encourage you, if you can’t show support in person (how
many actually can?), that you support this bill in other ways: Calling, writing, e-mailing
your congress person, making signs, getting the word spread throughout your community,
etc. Just one person can make such a difference. If you have any questions about how you
can help, please e-mail me! Remember, to help others - we must get involved!!! Have a
great day!

Marci Farris

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