Posted by on May 23, 19100 at 09:10:32:
Dr. Barad- thank you for your kind words to me regarding my post recently. My husband would like to know if after we get his treatment options or care under control, is it still possible to have the IVF done? I think we would have to use donor sperm but I am not sure how that works........I was scheduled to begin to cycle for a July date which is of course put off now. I told him we should not worry about the IVF now but he said that it would give him some hope if we could at least find out if we could still do this somewhere down the line.........Also, maybe you could tell me if you have heard of Dr. R Gayle who is an infectious disease physician- we are going to see him and he is based in NYC.....I am a little lost right now. thanks Allie- You can E mail me at my E mail address if you would like.