Re: The results are in...(tentative + beta mentioned)

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Posted by on May 22, 19100 at 20:47:04:

In Reply to: The results are in...(tentative + beta mentioned) posted by Leslie on May 22, 19100 at 19:41:44:

: Hi there..I hesitated posting this announcement. Today, I got a + beta. I seriously almost fainted when I got the phone call..I couldn't get in touch with my husband so I sent Pam an hysterical e-mail instead!

: Here is the is very low. My beta was only 12. They wanted to see it in the 20's. My progesterone is also low. They had me inc. the progesterone suppositories to 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. We will know more Wednesday when they suck more blood out of my arm.(does anyone else have a permanent bruise on their arm now?-just thought that I would ask)

: In any case. I feel strange posting this. I know that although I am not out of the woods by any stretch of the imagination, I know that at least one person is reading my post and thinking, "when is it going to be my turn?" And it is unfair. There is no good reason why some people get pregnant and some don't. We all deserve healthy pregnancies...that is what women do, right? Tonight, I am going to say a special prayer for all of us.

: Leslie

Hi Leslie!

I got online just to see if you posted and you did! I am SOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU. That is great news. I didn't want to tell you before and you must think that I'm lying, but I said to myself, maybe she's pregnant. I am thrilled for you and your husband. Now the betas just have to double, but the fact that you got a positive beta is great. Hopefully, this will be it but if it isn't GOD FORBID, You KNOW you got a positive beta and that will help you with the next cycle, you'll feel like you're getting somewhere. Continuing positive thoughts, and I'll be praying for you. Take Care, wait till you tell hubby.

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