bad news- need some support

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Posted by allie on May 20, 19100 at 22:20:48:

I recently posted a note saying that my ob's office called
and wanted to see my husband and I prior to beginning the IVF cycle.
real bad feeling and this morning we went to see her and
she said that after reviewing all of our test results ( one of
which was our HIV test (which we had to do prior to beginning
this whole process and which we both thought was just a routine
test and we had nothing to worry about) she found that my husband's
HIV test came back positive. Needless to say, we are devastaed and confused.
I know he had not been screwing around on me for the last 7 years and he knows that his two
partners prior to me did not have any risk factors that he knew about and is extremely upset
that this test came back positive because there was abosolutely no
reason why this should have happened. Needless to say the IVF was called off
and he had another repeat test today. Mine was negative.
I guess I am sad that not only will I not be able to go on with
the IVF in hopes of having a child, I now am faced with the possibility
of losing my husband. I am so frighten because I guess that soon or later I
too will test positive because he is, and this thing that
started out as a hopeful has now turned inta a tragic nightmare.
Guess I just needed to vent- I could probably go on with the
IVF and use donar sperm but I am not sure what to do.
Thanks for having a forum to go to.

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