I'm doing OK..

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Posted by Leslie on May 20, 19100 at 19:01:11:

In Reply to: How are you doing Leslie? posted by Maggie on May 20, 19100 at 18:35:34:

How are you? I still really want us to meet soon...I go to your area all of the time. I have my beta on Monday. I'm not expecting a pos. I feel very crampy and I have a headache. But the bleeding stopped. I called the RE on Thurs. They told me it could be early pregnancy or my period coming....just to keep using the progesterone. So...Monday, I'll know. My husband and I decided to give the IUI one more time because when I met with my RE, she was really happy with my response to the pergonal and she wants to test me for androgens (I think that was what she called it). So..I have one more chance. For the most part, I am OK with it. Just a little bit sad. One way or the other, I will have a baby. Thanks for asking. Your post brought tears to my eyes. Leslie

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