Re: Question for Dr regarding Beta levels (or anyone)

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Posted by on May 17, 19100 at 20:41:52:

In Reply to: Question for Dr regarding Beta levels (or anyone) posted by theresa on May 17, 19100 at 17:23:06:

: I just got a very mixed positive result -- a beta level of 11.6. I am going in for more testing on Fri am. Is this just delayed bad news?

: Thanks in advance for advice.


Anything over 5 is a positive pregnancy but lower numbers may indicate the pregnancy is not progressive but chemical instead. My first IVF cycle ended in a chemical pregnancy - I believe my first beta was something like 15. HOWEVER - I don't want to give you false hope - but a girlfriend of mine recently started out at a first beta of 19 after her IVF cycle ... the numbers continued to climb and she's now entering her 13th week. I'm not much help I know - in my opinion - low numbers like this are more difficult to deal with than a big fat 0000 ... having gone through it once - if I were in your shoes I would begin to prepare myself for the worst. Keep us posted. Debi

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