Re: Question for Dr. Barad: DOnor Eggs

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Posted by on May 16, 19100 at 21:54:56:

In Reply to: Question for Dr. Barad: DOnor Eggs posted by Mary on May 16, 19100 at 14:05:25:


Thanks for your interest and words of support.
For many years donor egg cycles have enjoyed the highest success rate among ART procedures. This is understandable because the donors are mostly young "volunteers" who have no known fertility problems. Your age and ovarian function are not a factor in this equation. Women many years older than you can achieve pregnancy using donor egg.

Women over 45 may be at risk for pregnancy complications after establishing a pregnancy by donor egg. However, you are still a young women and shouldn't have any problems with a pregnancy.

My present affilation is with Montefiore Medical Center. We have fourteen years of experience with donor egg cycles. Our program is located in Westchester at the Fertility and Hormone Center in Dobbs Ferry.

Other facilities in NY with established Donor Egg
programs are NYU, Cornell, Columbia and St. Barnabus (NJ).

Please don't be discouraged. It's still a struggle for you... but there is hope.

Good Luck.

Dr. Barad

: My Dh and I have been ttc for 5 yrs. Have had 10 medicated IUIs and 2 ivfs. The problem apparently is poor egg quality due to age: I am now 39. Do you think it is worth it to pursue donor eggs? My husband is very skeptical and does not want to do anything else but is very depressed that we have been through all of this and do not have a baby. Thank you. Also, what group are you with? we are not from NYC but if we decide to pursue donor eggs I would only consider this in a large program such as the ones in your area.

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