Re: I hope that the rally went better than my IUI did

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Posted by on May 09, 19100 at 20:03:56:

In Reply to: I hope that the rally went better than my IUI did posted by Leslie on May 09, 19100 at 15:15:07:

: I REALLY don't think that I am going to get pregnant. I am so sore and my cervix was swollen and she couldn't open it. FINALLY, she got the tube part way in. She told me that as long as it was in it was OK. I don't believe it for a second. What a waste. Leslie

Hi Leslie!

I don't understand why your cervix was so swollen and you were so sore. Leslie try not to think that way. YOu have to maintain a good attitude. I know when it comes to infertility, the slightest complication can send our minds focusing in a wrong and pessimistic manner. I don't know if you have a lot of trust in your doctor. It sounds like you didn't believe her. Please give this a chance if it is going to work. Don't give up hope. Take care of yourself. Your friend Maggie

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