Re: pregnancy status

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Posted by on April 29, 19100 at 09:53:21:

In Reply to: pregnancy status posted by rowshon perveen on April 28, 19100 at 14:41:24:

: if my pregnancy bolld result number come 165
: what i can expect with that count number of pregnancy.
: is it a good pregnancy? is it can be single or twin.
: should i drink a lot of water for it's safety and what
: other i can follow for save pregnancy.


If I read your post correctly and your first beta number came back at 165 this is a very good beta. Beta numbers are NOT good indicators of multiples - only your first u/s will be able to determine how many embryos implanted. Drinking water is very important to maintaining proper hydration so drink away. If you're not already taking pre-natal vitamins you should be. Otherwise, eat healthy and enjoy. Congratulations.

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