Posted by jeannie on April 21, 19100 at 17:38:53:
Is a CD3 E2 of 59 "high"? I didn't test FSH this cycle, because it causes me way too much stress. I tested FSH a few months before that and it was 5.2 (but at a different, mass-production lab). Last cycle, my FSH was 6.7, and E2 was 46. My RE said he likes E2 to be under 50, so the 59 has me very worried. I am 36 years old, ttc for 10 months, one m/c. I'm overweight, if that makes any difference. No dx, except possible LPD, which seems to have been fixed by the Clomid (went from 10-11 day LP, to 17-day LP). I am starting injectables this cycle, 3 vials of Follistim per day. I did two cycles of 50 mg of Clomid, with IUI, and had three mature follicles both times. If this injectable cycle doesn't work, I will probably be going on to IVF.