Look What is Happening In May At AIA!!!!! We are Busy!!!!!

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Posted by on April 16, 19100 at 19:00:09:

May is a very busy month here at AIA. We have three on-line meetings scheduled! May 1st on PCOS and Nutrition: What is the Deal With Diets? The chat will be moderated by Martha McKittrick,RD,CDE a registered certified diettician, certified diabetes educator and certified fitness instructor who specializes in PCOS, weight control and cardiovascular health. She has been a staff nutritionist at The New York Hospital for the past 14 years as well as in privated practice. On May 17th we will being have a chat dedicated to Over 40. The speaker will be Dr. Steven Spandorfer from New York Hospitals Center For Reproductive Medicine and Infertility. Dr. Spandorfer is one of our dedicated message board physicians and it will be wonderful for everyone to be able to speak live with him. On May 30th we will be having Acupunture and Treating Infertility. Our speaker will be Mike Berkeley, Director , New York Center for Acupuncture and Alternative Medicine. We are working very hard to expand our on line chat schedule to help better serve our membership who lives outside of NYC area, and those of you who prefer to go to meetings from your home. We are also proud to be opening two new meeting sites in Connecticut and Long Island this month. Rockland County will be having it's second meeting this month.

This is the May Schedule:


Thursday, May 16th, 2000 at 7:00 P.M.

"PCOS and Body Issues"

Harry Lieman, M.D., Department of Reproductive Endocrinology, Albert Einstein College of

Betty Devito, President American Electrology Association

At 5:45 P.M. before the meeting, there will be an "Open Forum" led by an AIA group leader in
which feelings and issues associated with infertility may be raised.


Location: The National Council of Jewish Women
820 2nd Avenue (Between E.43rd St. and E.44th St.). ллллл New Address !!
New York, NY

Coffee will be served at 6:30 PM and an orientation is available for new and prospective
members. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Please call the AIA at for more information.

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Bridgeport, Connecticut

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2000 at 7:00 P.M.

"Ask the Doctor"

Speaker TBA


Location: Park City Chiropractic, 3543 Main Street (2nd Floor), Bridgeport, CT (For directions
call )

Note: At 6:30 PM, before the meeting, there will be an orientation for new members or those
interested in AIA. All are welcome.

Please call the AIA at for more information.

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Long Island

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2000 at 7:00 P.M.

"Ask the Doctor"

Speaker TBA


Location: Park City Chiropractic, 3543 Main Street (2nd Floor), Bridgeport, CT (For directions
call )

Note: At 6:30 PM, before the meeting, there will be an orientation for new members or those
interested in AIA. All are welcome.

Please call the AIA at for more information.

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Monday, May 22nd, 2000 at 7:00 P.M.

"My Pharmacist Can Help Us During Our Infertility Treatment; How Do We Make The
Right Choice ?"

Howard Jacobson, R.Ph., Rockville Centre Pharmacy


Location: New York Hospital Queens, Executive Dining Room, 56-45 Main Street, Flushing

Note: At 6:30 PM, before the meeting, there will be an orientation for new members or those
interested in AIA. All are welcome.

Please call Judi Rappaport at for more information.

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Wednesday, May 10th, 2000 at 7:00 P.M.

"Recent Advances in Male Infertility"

Marc Goldstein, M.D. , Director, Center for Male Reproductive Medicine and Microsurgery,
New York Hospital - Cornell Medical Center

"Everything You Wanted to Know About Insurance But Were Afraid To Ask"

Crown Consulting, Brooklyn, New York


Location: Maimonides Medical Center, 4802 10th Avenue, Saltzman Auditorium,
Administration Building, 5th Floor, Brooklyn, NY

Note: At 6:30 PM, before the meeting, there will be an orientation and refreshments for
members and those interested in AIA. All are welcome. For more information, call Libby,
AIA's Brooklyn Coordinator at .

Please call the AIA at for more information.

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Staten Island

??th, 2000 at 7:30 P.M.

"Not Pregnant After IVF; Is This The End Of The Line ?"

Speaker TBA


For further information, please call Elaine at

Location: The Wellness Center at the Staten Island Mall (Lower Level - Sears Wing),
Richmond Avenue, Staten Island

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May 11th, 2000 at 7:45 P.M.

"Understanding Male and Female Factors Contributing to Infertility"

Lawrence Grunfeld, M.D., Reproductive Medical Assoc.

Natan Bar-Chama, M.D. Mt. Sinai Program of Assisted Reproductive Technologies


Note: At 7:00 PM, before the meeting, there will be an orientation and open support group
meeting. All are welcome.

Location: Crown Plaza Hotel, Hale and Maple Avenues, White Plains

Please call the AIA at for more information.

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Wednesday, May 24th, 2000 at 7:30 P.M.

"IVF Basics"

Daniel Navot, M.D.

Please call the AIA at for more information.


Note: At 7:00 PM, before the meeting, there will be an orientation for new members. All are

Location: YMYWHA, 900 Rte 45, Suite 15, Alef Room, New City, NY ллллл New Address

I would also like to remind everyone that our Ovum Donation Series and Adoption Series are also running in May. For more information please check the Special Events button to your left!!!!

And last but not least, we are running our Empty Baby Stroller Rally in Albany to push the NY State Mandate along!!! For more information on the rally, please click the advocacy button!!!

I hope to see you at some of these wonderful activities!!!
Remember, here at AIA, it is support from friends and advice from experts!

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