Saying Thanks To Someone Special Through AIA!!!

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Posted by on August 09, 19100 at 22:41:47:

Hi everybody!
On September 14th, AIA will be having our Kokopelli Ball at the Pierre Hotel in NYC. Our annual ball is our major fund raiser, that helps us keep the 800 number running, the monthly newsletter coming and newly expanded to 16 pages, our web site, and all that we do to act us your voice and your comfort and support. We give out a gala book to every person that attends the ball, and then we will distribute the book at ASRM in San Diego. This year, we have created a special ad for patients. For $100.00 you can put in a tribute to your doctor, special staff member, one of the honorees (Dr. Richard Marrs, Dr. Owen Davis, Dr. Natan-Bar Chama, Dr. John Garrisi, Dr. Avner Herslag) or to a special friend that has supported you through your infertility. You can even honor the birth of a child! If you would like to support AIA by placing a special ad, please call Corey at . She can assist you. The closing date for the journal book is August 16th.
We hope that we here from you!!!!
Pamela Madsen

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