What age was yr friend who had triplets??? There

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Posted by Rebecca on July 26, 19100 at 18:25:19:

In Reply to: Number of embryos to transfer? (43 yrs old) posted by Chaya on July 25, 19100 at 21:20:10:

are guidelines about # to transfer that I think either SART or ASRM give. I think it comes down to this - which would you rather - go through another IVF cycle or face the possibility of having to do a reduction which most drs wld advise for sake of medical health of babies.

Having said that, I think the chance of having triplets at yr age extremely small and there are many more chromosonally abnormal eggs in older women, miscarriage rates higher. Still you had a great response so you could freeze some embies.

Also, I don't think 4 is standard for yr age group -- I'm at one of big IVF programs and think at least 5 is standard for yr age and maybe even 6 cos of the fact that up to 75% of our eggs could be abnormal. It's a very hard decision to make and one you should talk to your dh about as well as yr RE.

Also you might want to consider going to blast which seems to improve pg rates while reducing the risk of multiples.

Good luck with yr transfer.

: I'm 43 yrs old and had an IVF retrieval today. The Dr. said that 14 eggs were retrieved. If the embryos are of good quality, would I need to have the standard 4 embryos re-implanted, or would say 2 embryos be enough. One of my friends had triplets, and I cringe at the thought of going through what she went through. However, I do want to maximize my chances of success. Are there other factors besides age that can be considered?

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