Posted by on July 25, 19100 at 11:50:43:
In Reply to: Doctors Please Help!! Questions about my treatment! posted by Joanne on May 06, 19100 at 08:59:34:
: First of all, thank you so much for answering my questions. A bit of a history: been ttc since July 1998. Have had blood
: levels looked at, hsg, lap/hysteroscopy - everything has come out normal. I do ovulate on my own and my progesterone
: level at 7 dpo on a natural cycle was 16. I have regular cycles but short periods, medium-heavy flow for 2 days and then
: just spotting, really. I used to spot before my period but for the first cycle since sugery (d & c done too) no spotting. dh
: has had 3 SA's done. Counts have been 19 mill/ml, 26 mill/ml and 46 mill/ml. Volume is always high around 7.5 to 8 ml.
: Morphology has been 50% norm, 70% norm and 30% norm. Motility always around 60%.
: I've been on 4 cycles of serophene with rest cycles in between because of cysts on cd3. I do ovulate on the serophene
: (50mg) but we have only managed to do 2 iui's because other cycles were not the best due to small cysts at the
: beginning of my cycle (usually around 14mm). Lining was always fine (usually around 10mm).
: My doctor now wants me to take antibiotics at the beginning of my next cycle in case of mycoplasm (??) and also have
: both dh and me have chromosomal testing done. He does wants us to try naturally for 3 more months ( I just had lap done
: on March 30) but I am 31 and dh is 37 so I'm concerned about time. What concerns me the most is that he does not want
: to move to gonal-f which I had thought would be our next course of action. I did develop a cyst (50mm) in the middle of my
: last serophene cycle. He is concerned about hyperstimulation. I really had my hopes high that gonal-f would be the
: "ticket" for us. Any thoughts you could shed on this situation would be very much appreciated. Thank you so much for
: your response.