Re: Dr - Can you be on BCP/Lupron too long?

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Posted by Liz on July 23, 19100 at 11:15:22:

In Reply to: Dr - Can you be on BCP/Lupron too long? posted by Carla on July 22, 19100 at 20:42:29:

Hi Carla,
I'm not a dr, but was on the same protocol as you were for my 2nd IVF. You should get your period a few days after you stop your bcp's, which would probably be shortly after you start the Lupron. I was on this protocol because I was a high responder in my first IVF cycle -- I produced lots of eggs but not many were mature. The goal of this protocol is to suppress ovulation the cycle before your IVF with the bcp's, then start the standard Lupron during the IVF cycle.

I believe the risk of this protocol is that you can be oversuppressed and not produce many eggs. I actually had the opposite reaction -- I produced more eggs than IVF #1, and less were mature than IVF #1. Go figure.

Good luck to you!

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