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Posted by on July 22, 19100 at 20:40:38:

I'm currently taking BCPs. Been taking them since cd2 in cycle immediately following IVF #2 (negative beta June 22). Will take them straight through for about 5 weeks then merge over into Lupron on Aug 4. Not sure when I'm supposed to have a period, but I'll be on BCP/Lupron straight with no break for about 6 weeks before starting stims. Sounds odd to me because in my last cycle I started Lupron on cd 21 of the cycle preceding stims. And had AF before I could start my stims. I've started spotting yesterday which would have been the normal time for AF, but I've been instructed to continue straight through with BCPs (no placebos).

I didn't realize that I would be on BCPs this long until I reviewed my instructions last night so I haven't been able to talk to anyone at the clinic yet. Do you think that there could have been a mistake in when writing down my schedule? I have my IVF instruction sheet with all of my dates on them in front of me and this is what is says I'm supposed to do. Could this be detrimental to my next cycle in any way?
Thanks! Carla :)

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