Northeast PCOS Symposium

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Posted by on July 21, 19100 at 16:18:18:

Join PCOSA in NYC on September 10, 2000 for the
Northeast Regional Symposium on PCOS.

PCOSupport and distinguished Symposium Medical Chair
Walter Futterweit, MD invite you to Mt. Sinai Hospital
from 8am - 5pm.

Mark Perloe, MD will deliver the Keynote Address,

and other speakers include:
Geoffrey Redmond, MD
Steven Spandorfer, MD
Kevin Kelly, MD
Philip Kingsley, MIT, MRIPHH
Martha McKittrick, RD

PCOSupport is proud to bring this distinguished panel
of experts to New York City! Register NOW and join us in Manhattan September 10th for a wonderful day of information and support!

For more information go to the PCOSupport web site

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