Prmature Surge and Luteinized unruptured follicle ?'s

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Posted by on July 10, 19100 at 12:54:11:

I have Several questions here. Can Premature surge be treated, and if so, with what, and also, how about luteinized unruptured follicles? With the LUF, is that a permanent condition, or might it vary from cycle to cycle?

Finally, my wife was told that she might have had LUF while on follistim, but her follicles were 13 and 14, which sounds to me more like Premature Surge. Thanks for any and all responses. God Bless you ladies out there! We have been through 13 attempts at pregnancy, from IUI through IVF. We have been blessed with one child from the IUI, with Donor (we have male factor), but the heartache is still there for another child. How many tears have been shed through our ten year walk......Like the sands of a beach, to innumerable to count.

Be blessed, and do not give up hope!


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