Re: 2nd beta reults (positive!)

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Posted by on July 08, 19100 at 19:21:26:

In Reply to: 2nd beta reults (positive!) posted by Dawn on July 08, 19100 at 09:09:44:

: Well, I was a nervous wreck (oddly enough, more so than with the first test), but my second results were unbelievable! I almost doubled- this time I was at 1439 (my first was 743)!! Yikes!! We have a very good chance that there is more than one- probably two. I will know more when I have my first ultrasound in two weeks. Keep your fingers crossed, everybody!!
: -Dawn

Hi Dawn, Congratulations! What wonderful news to share with us. I hope that everything goes well and that you continue to feel well, and the babies grow well, and well.. you know. Please keep coming to the board and let us know how it's going for you. Love, Lisa Rosenthal

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