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Posted by Roseanne H. on July 04, 19100 at 18:54:52:

In Reply to: IMPOSSIBLE posted by Madam on June 27, 19100 at 11:21:15:

My doctor is a prominent fertility specialist who honestly tells me the facts about my trying to conceive with my own eggs at 46 (it would be a miracle, but I am still going to try for a little while longer). After telling him about 52-year-old Cheryl Tiegs insisting that her OWN eggs were used in a surrogate, his reply was: "Bull----"
I agree with "Madam": SHAME ON YOU, CHERYL!

: Shame on Cheryl. By making ridiculous statements such as 'The doctor closely examined three of my eggs', her claim of using her own eggs becomes even more outrageous. What does that mean anyway, examined in what way? If it was PGD, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, why not say so Cheryl? She is 52 years old and most likely menopausal like other 52 year olds. Her story is a pack of lies and potentially harmful to younger women who may be contemplating pregnancy and think that they too can wait until their 40's or 50's. I still do not see any sign of the doctor who performed this "miracle". That would be the real story, that 52 year old eggs produced twins via ivf, not that a celebrity is pregnant.



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