Executive Director's Message
by Pamela Madsen
"So...do you have any kids yet?"
"When are you going to start a family?"
"Just relax. It will happen."
If these simple questions and offhand comments upset you, you are not alone. You can turn your pain into AIA. When you've tried to have a child and discover an infertility problem, your life can seem out of control. Those around you may unwittingly hurt you with prying, insensitive questions. Others may try to offer advice and support, but their well intentioned efforts may only make you feel more isolated because they don't really understand. Fortunately, there is The American Infertility Association, the nationwide information network serving the unique needs of men and women dealing with infertility issues. AIA exists for the sole purpose of providing immediate, compassionate, informed help to people who are experiencing infertility. Infertility is a major life crisis. Feelings of guilt, blame, anger and sadness are painful but normal reactions. Getting involved with AIA can help you turn your negative feelings into energy.
For those who choose to undergo what can seem like endless diagnostic procedures, counseling sessions, and treatments, finding common ground with others and sharing experiences can be an invaluable outlet and help in reestablishing some feeling of control. AIA would like to welcome you into our community with a copy of this specially prepared complimentary newsletter. We have compiled a sampling of articles that we thought you would find helpful and comforting. We hope you like what you see and find some comfort within these pages. We also hope you will join us and become a member. By reaching out and making contact with others in the same situation, those experiencing infertility can begin to work through their pain. By taking advantage of the informational resources available, you can make informed decisions. Join us. Turn your pain into AIA.
To learn more about AIA Support Groups or the other services available through our chapter, call:
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