Re: ? for Dr's: Late cycle ovulation

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Posted by on July 12, 19100 at 20:38:35:

In Reply to: Re: ? for Dr's: Late cycle ovulation posted by norma kurbanali on July 10, 19100 at 13:23:48:

Although most women ovulate around days 12-17 of their cycles, some do in fact have a long first half to their cycles resulting in late ovulation. Day 20+ is quite late. A BBT chart may be incorrect and I would recommend serum progesterone levels to document ovulation.

: : I have been diagnosed with PCOS since March 2000.(But have probably had it for years before.)
: : I also have diabetes. My last hem. a1c was very good, 5.2, and since March, I have
: : lost 29 pounds. For two cycles now I have been starting on my own, they last about 32 days,
: : and I have been religiously doing my BBT charting.
: : What I have observed is I tend to start ovulating around cd20-23. Is this normal?
: : My RE seems to feel as long as I'm ovulating at all this is a
: : good sign. Oh yes, by the way, my left ovary and fallopina tube
: : are inoperaple, so I'm only functioning with the right ovary. Could that make a
: : difference? Thanks in advance for your response.
: : JLFisher

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