Posted by Elizabeth on June 23, 19100 at 07:07:47:
I had a consult with my RE yesterday and have some decisions to make.
I was interested in another doctor's opinion. I'm on metformin
and just took 100mg of clomid this cycle. It had no effect.
My doctor said I could go one of three ways:
1. Double clomid to 200mg and see what happens
2. Be agressive and go straight to invitro fertilization
3. Begin a cycle with Gonal-F or Follistim and do IUI
He does not recommend the third for people like me, saying it is high risk and low
outcome. I'm nervous about jumping right to IVF but at the same
time don't want to go through another cycle of disappointment if I choose
the clomid option. Any thoughts on this?
A second opinion on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
According to my doctor I have moderate PCOS--I've been resistant
to the drugs, but I'm on the thin side and only have minor
problems with hirsutism. Thank you.